Saturday, November 04, 2006

Athleticism runs in the family

Speaking of the tango.... Stanley seems to be practicing one.
"They say.." that around 17 or 18 weeks you may start to feel the wriggling and kicking that's been going on for at least 10 weeks now, otherwise known as "quickening", aka "feeling the baby." "They say" it may feel like gas or butterflies or popcorn popping. In other words it's kind of hard to describe. Whatever Stanley's doing in there, it manifests itself as little bumps in the night, giving me the mental image of a fish in a fishbowl bumping up against the glass, or the antics of a would-be gold medal gymnast using my insides as a trampoline.

A miracle? Not really; just basic physics and common sense. A blessing? I don't think so--who really wants to be kicked? Weird? Yes, I'd agree with that.

So far the antics have been too few and far between to get an accurate feeling of just when to call my husband over to feel my jumping belly, but I'm sure the time will come. And just as surely I'm betting that this fairly new sensation's interesting-ness will begin to pale as Stanley grows bigger and kicks much harder. But for now it's an interesting distraction which marks the next stage of this game. We've cleared another base. Though sometimes it seems like time stands still... things are coming along.

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