Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Y Knots

Things have gotten a little more complicated these days with the introduction of a new arrival. We have suddenly become the show stopper at every venue; restaurants, shoppng plazas, libraries--wherever we ventured so happily as a threesome before has become a veritable clan of look-alikes, albeit in various stages of maturity.

This explains, in part, why there is a stick taped to our sliding glass door and a plastic bag attached to one of our dining room chairs.

And it's the only explanation you're likely to get.

Meanwhile, Sydney has reacted to her new status by becoming Three with a capital T, conveniently ignoring requests she would rather not deal with, refusing foods she used to eat with gusto, and bursting into uncontrollable tears at the merest misstep by her over-tired parents, and instead of punctuating every response with a rhetorical why? has progressed into the more challenging question, why not?


"Syd, please don't put dirt into the baby's bouncy seat..."

"Why not??"

It's all fun and games, here.


Freya said...

There's a 'too'?
I'm having to catch up. So excited, because I got #1 only a few months after your #1 and I've have had a #2 for a few months now.
Sheesh woman, I'm hanging out for your wisdom and humour!

Suddenly Human said...

Yes, I realized I sort of left "too" out of here.. but now the cat's out of the bag.. or the baby's out of the womb.. or something like that :)